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Maa Maha Kaali Is The Supreme Divine Mother Herself, With Multiple Aspects Of Her Own.

Maa Maha Kaali Is The Formless Absolute Maa Shakti.

In many household Shrines, Maa Maha Kaali Is worshiped As Maa Shyama, The Tender Dispeller of fear And Granter of boons.

In times of natural disasters, Maa Maha Kaali Is invoked As The Protective Maa RakshaKali.

As Maa SmashanaKali, The Embodiment Of Destructive Power, Maa Maha Kaali Haunts the cremation grounds.

Maa Maha Kaali Is Also revered As The Beautiful Maa Bhavatarini, The Redeemer Of the universe.

As Maa Chamunda Who Severs the knot of ignorance, Maa Maha Kaali Cuts Through the illusion of duality, And Reveals The Absolute.

O Maa Maha Kaali, The Relentless Devourer Bringing all things to an end, In Your Many Aspects, O Divine Mother, please Accept our humble prayer submitted At Your Lotus Feet, please Grant us Your Blessing In The Way You Deem best. For what You Choose To Provide, O Mother, is verily the best for Your devotees.



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